B - The Underwater Bubble Show
“One day, after a lot of stress, phone calls, meeting planning and job problems, Mr. B finds, as if by magic, a fishbowl inside his case. He starts to stare in amazement inside the bowl, as if looking inside a sorcerer's crystal ball and, all of a sudden finds himself transported in a colorful and happy underwater world. While being involved in this joyful path he discovers again that it is possible to smile and to enjoy life, leaving all stress and fears behind and, at the end of his journey, he finds himself transformed as well in a colorful and happy creature.”
The well balanced blend of drama, mime, dance, puppetry, juggling, contortionism, sand art and magic, with the amazing beauty of soap bubbles make The Underwater Bubble Show unique and perfect for any audience. Inspired by the famous Canadian troupe "Cirque du Soleil," the show is rich in various stage effects using the latest laser technologies, snow canons, soap bubble tornadoes, theatrical fog, gigantic smoke rings, smoke-filled soap bubble machines, optical illusions and many other surprises.
Thanks to high interactivity and audience participation, this is a show for the entire family to enjoy.
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